The EMBO Conference focuses on fundamental and applied aspects of biocatalysis, with an emphasis on the impact that enzyme research has at the interface of biology and chemistry.
The sessions will cover an array of topics including computational, chemistry and structural approaches, as well as directed evolution, bioinformatics and spectroscopic methods, aimed towards better understanding of enzyme mechanisms and mechanisms of complex multifunctional enzyme systems, in vitro and in vivo.
The importance of the electrostatic and dynamical properties of enzymes will be addressed. The impact of this knowledge for drug discovery research and research on non-natural biocatalytic systems will be highlighted.
Established and emerging scientists from academic and industrial settings will be available to stimulate discussion and provide perspective on the topics of this conference. We strongly encourage participation of students and postdoctoral associates, providing opportunities for discussion and networking.
Oral presentations chosen from submitted poster abstracts will provide additional opportunities for discussing new and innovative ideas. The speakers are encouraged to give a brief introduction of the field in which they work and allow for sufficient time for discussion.
A special issue on the topics covered at this conference will be published in PEDS. More information, including submission details, can be found below.
You will find BusinessOulu booth in the conference on 13-14 June.