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Oulu 5GFWD Hackathon Grand Prix prize to a team from India

Oulu 5GFWD Hackathon Grand Prix prize to a team from India

Hospital navigation with augmented reality brought victory in 5G-Hackathon

“We will strive to get our application implemented here in Oulu, in India and all around the world”, says Pranav Jain from the winning team.

The Oulu 5GFWD Hackathon Grand Prix prize winning app, Navify, helps people to navigate with augmented reality. The solution can also be used to build for example a system of autonomous robots delivering parcels to the right places in large building complexes.

The first 5G-technology hackathon was organized in Oulu. Already some 2.6 billion people around the world use technologies developed in Oulu and the hackathon was a new way to solidify Oulu’s position as the 5G hub drawing experts. Oulu 5GFWD Hackathon attracted highly international crowd of developers, coders and experts from various fields to hack away the white nights of the North. Hacker teams developed 5G solutions for Nokia, Telia and Oulu University Hospital in an intense 48-hour development competition. More than 70 hackers were present in the hackathon and many teams had more members participating over the internet.

Three track winners were awarded in the competition and among them the Navify app from India was chosen as the Grand Prix winner of the whole hackathon. “We had the most advanced competition in the history of our hackathons”, says Mikko Järvilehto from Ultrahack.

Oulu 5GFWD Hackathon winners are:

  • Digital Factory, Nokia 5000 €:
    SmartWorker 4.0: Enhaced wireless factory with augmented reality smart glasses in Nokia Factory
  • Mobile Apps for 5G Age, Telia, 10000 €:
    ClassRoom: Immersive learning in schools with virtual reality material
  • Customer Journey, Oulu University Hospital, 5000 €:
    Navify: Easier navigation and hospital visit with augmented reality added on the smart phone screen

The jury chose Navify as the winner 5000 € prize money and as the winner of the hackathon. The winner was announced in an international 5G road-mapping conference, EuCNC, in which experts from industry and academic research gathered to present the newest 5G research and applications.

International fame for Oulu as a 5G-technology hub

“Hackathon is a continuation of the 5G Innovation challenge we organized last year. We got internationally very high level participants form 10 countries and the companies were enthusiastic for getting concrete solutions for their problems”, says Hanna Mattila, the producer of 5GFWD from BusinessOulu.

“Oulu has once more shown that it is the world-class city attracting radio technology experts. This hackathon was a new way to shout out to the world that Oulu is the leading hub of the 5G technology. In the past years several international companies have established their operation in Oulu, employing hundreds of experts, but more will fit in our fine ecosystem”, says Juha Ala-Mursula, the director of BusinessOulu.

Ultrahack, Finnish hackathon producer company who is know for organizing the largest hackathon in Europe, was setting up also Oulu 5GFWD Hackathon.
What is 5G?
5G is the latest technology in mobile networks, with a data transfer speed up to 150 times faster than the current 4G networks have. The amazing speed and near non-existent delay make the technology more revolutionary for people, the environment and production facilities than any of the previous network reforms have done. It enables a whole new kind of real-time and virtual entertainment experiences in the form of games, concerts and sports events. For utility purposes, 5G can control robots in dangerous working conditions and facilitate virtual schools or medical centers, for example.

What is a hackathon?
A hackathon is a tough, often coding-related competition run in good spirits. Usually, a hackathon lasts for 24–48 hours, with teams of experts from different fields competing with each other in cracking genuine challenges.

The Oulu 5GFWD Hackathon is organised by BusinessOulu, Nokia, Telia, Oulu University Hospital and a group of selected partners. The practical organising body is Ultrahack, a Finnish pioneer known as the founder of the biggest hackathon in Europe.

The companies benefit from expedited development through fresh ideas as well as a tried and tested method of recruiting new employees. Successful hackathon teams gain fame, important new contacts and opportunities for career advancement.

More information

Hanna Mattila
Oulu 5GFWD Hackathon / BusinessOulu
Tel. +358 40 717 3588

Erno Marjakangas
Head of Excellence and Development Nokia
Tel. + 358 50 486 9021

Juha Ala-Mursula
Tel. +358 50 058 8430

Mika Raitola
Innovation manager
Tel. +358 40 827 1019

Mikko Järvilehto
Tel. +358 40 508 6265

Timo Alalääkkölä
Project Manager
Oulu University Hospital Tel. +358 40 561 4390

More information on Oulu 5GFWD Hackathon
5GFWD – Oulu 5G Hackathon: