Company database

Envitecpolis Ltd

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Updated: 05.09.2012


Alamäentie 6 A
74300 Sonkajärvi
Oulun toimipiste / Oulu office:
Kiilakiventie 1
90250 Oulu
+358 (0)44 330 0816
etunimi.sukunimi (at) / firstname.lastname (at)


Company description

Envitecpolis Ltd is a service company specializing in environmental business. The company's business is based on the Customer needs and the key partner network’s strong experience. Envitecpolis Ltd goes through the need together with the Customer figuring out, what, why, how and with what money the need can be solved and what know how is needed. Envitecpolis Ltd projects the solution plan for the Customer need and looks for potential implementers and funding for the plan. Envitecpolis Ltd can also act as the Customer's "right hand man" in the implementation.

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Business sector:

Cleantech Trade and services

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