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Concrete collaboration with MedTech companies

Julkaistu 21.09.2012

Oulu Business School's International Full-time MBA Programme and BusinessOulu kicked off a concrete collaboration scheme to help Medical Technology companies in Oulu region in their internationalization challenges.

In this collaboration, several companies representing the MedTech industry have been chosen as target companies in the MBA Project Work process. The highly international MBA student group will, along with their studies, assist the chosen companies in their plans and actions in going into international markets through clearly defined and focused project assignments. With this collaboration the companies are provided an international consultant team of experienced and skilled management students until the end of spring semester.

More information:
Oulu Business School, Full-time MBA Programme Director Antti Kauppila and BusinessOulu, Key Account Director Tuula Palmén.

Antti Kauppila: +358 40 543 2076 / antti.kauppila at
Tuula Palmén: +358 50 461 7290 / tuula.palmen at