
Studification means making your skills visible, i.e. identifying them through work.
The aim of studification is to identify the job seeker’s existing skills and to build up new ones.
It can be implemented as part of the following employment services:
- work trial (work trial contract),
salary-subsidised work (employment contract),
rehabilitative work activities, and
- part-time employment.
The studification paths are tailored individually and their duration is usually 2–6 months.
Experiences of studification as part of rehabilitative work activities

Studification participants
Skills from work
Studification allows you to make your previously acquired skills visible. It also allows the job seeker to build up new skills by doing practical work.
The job seeker receives a certificate of competence as a result of the learning process, which helps to identify the competence and allows the job seeker to demonstrate their competence in order to obtain a diploma from the educational institution.
Tasks of the job seeker
- Carrying out work tasks and acquiring skills in line with objectives
Assessing personal competence together with a BusinessOulu mentor/personal coach
Giving feedback
Building a career path to continue on.
New recruitment paths and talents through supervision
Studification is a new type of recruitment channel, enabling employers to find new motivated employees.
In studification, the job seeker is supervised by a workplace supervisor so that they gain skills and become familiar with the job tasks.
Describing the learning environment for the studification period gives the employer a clearer picture of the job tasks in the workplace.
Tasks of the workplace supervisor
- Identifying suitable work tasks to describe the learning environment
Job orientation and guidance of the job seeker
Identifying the skills of the job seeker when compiling the certificate of competences
Providing feedback
- Co-creating an operational model for studification.
Enhancing employer competence through studification
BusinessOulu’s studification aims to identify the job seeker’s existing skills and build new ones.
BusinessOulu supports job seekers and employers in the practical implementation of studification and develops it in cooperation with stakeholders.
Tasks of the mentor/personal coach
- Identifying the studification needs of the job seeker
- Planning the implementation of studification in cooperation with other partners
- Supporting the practical implementation of the studification
- Drawing up the certificate of competence
- Building a follow-up path in line with the job seeker’s objectives
- Collecting feedback
- Co-creating an operating model for studification.
Study credits through studification
From the point of view of the institution, studification enables the job seeker to make visible the skills acquired elsewhere through a demonstration. In addition, studification allows for faster achievement of the personal study plan’s objectives and faster progression of studies.
Tasks of the teacher
- Mapping and describing the learning environment in cooperation with the BusinessOulu training coordinator and the employer
- Recognising competences through demonstrative examinations
- Planning the educational path according to the job seeker’s objectives
- Co-creating an operating model for studification.
- Mapping and describing the learning environment in cooperation with the BusinessOulu training coordinator and the employer
Interested in learning more about studification? Contact us!
Companies and entrepreneurs
Ella Seppänen
Communities and city employment, educational institutions
Reeta Limingoja