When your company needs skilled labour, you can get support and advice from BusinessOulu’s experts. From young people at the beginning of their careers to industry experts and international professionals, we can help you find the right candidates.
Also check out the JobCorner recruitment events you can organise at BusinessAsema.
All our services are free of charge
Advice on recruitment needs and information on options
Jarno Paasonen
Company collaboration coordinator
Jari Hannus
Recruitment Services
Kaisa Koljonen
Recruitment Services
Markku Pirhonen
Recruitment Services
Terttu Toivanen
Recruitment Services
Advertise a job
Are you looking for an employee with an open job advertisement? Use the link below to easily post your vacancy on the Job Market Finland.
Together, we will identify the needs of your company and find the right candidates from our customer base to meet your needs. You can contact your selected candidates and invite the most suitable ones for an interview. We can also help you to apply for financial support for recruitment, provided that the person you are hiring is eligible.
You can also advertise an open wage subsidy vacancy via Job Market Finland. We will look for suitable applicants who meet the criteria for a wage subsidy post. We can help you with the wage subsidy process and other related questions.
Ota yhteyttä:
Jarno Paasonen, jarno.paasonen@businessoulu.com, 050 349 7277
Participate in recruitment events: JobCorner and MegaMatchmaking
JobCorner – for matching job seekers with employees
JobCorner is a free of charge recruitment service which is aimed at both employers and job seekers.
It is very important to us that employers meet their future workers. In JobCorner, employers and job applicants get a chance to meet each other at either in the company’s own premises or in the premises provided by BusinessOulu. More information.
Ask for available recruitment slots:
Heidi Härmä, +358 40 648 6587, heidi.harma@businessoulu.com
Jannika Leinonen, +358 40 154 9465, jannika.leinonen@businessoulu.com -
MegaMatchmaking is one of the biggest recruitment events in Finland. These recruitment fairs bring employers and job seekers together, and the programme is always packed with information and inspiring speeches.
MegaMatchimaking event website.
Contact information:
Heidi Härmä, +358 40 648 6587, heidi.harma@businessoulu.com
Jannika Leinonen, +358 40 154 9465, jannika.leinonen@businessoulu.com
Advertise a work trial vacancy
A work trial is an excellent way to test how you work with a potential new employee. For the job seeker, it is an opportunity to get to know a profession and a job that interests them. It is a free service for employers and unemployed job seekers.
A work trial is a practical work placement at the workplace, lasting between 1 and 3 months.

More information on work trials
Jarno Paasonen
Company collaboration coordinator
Job coaching to support employment
Does your company need someone to do a job? A job coach works with job seeker customers to match a motivated candidate with a suitable job. We provide support in job search, transition to a job and, if necessary, on the job, especially in the early stages of the employment relationship.
Ida Ala-aho
Job coach
Lauri-Aleksi Heikkilä
Job coach
Tommi Hepo-oja
Job coach
Jussi Laakso
Job coach
Hanna Lohilahti
Job coach

Hiring an international job seeker
The Oulu region is home to a large number of skilled international professionals from foreign backgrounds who would like to work in local companies. International House Oulu can help your company find the right international employee through our local networks and by organising recruitment events.
The International House Oulu website also provides comprehensive information on national recruitment services. Advertise your job in English on the Jobs in Finland website.
Jannika Leinonen
Specialist, solutions to corporate employee needs
Recruit with an apprenticeship
With an apprenticeship, an employee can complete a basic, vocational or specialised professional qualification. In the course of the qualification, skills are demonstrated by means of on-the-job demonstrations. The aim may also be to obtain only one or more parts of a qualification, for example, to supplement previous knowledge. It is also possible to do a summer job as an apprenticeship.
The apprentice needs a workplace supervisor appointed by the workplace who has the expertise, motivation and working time resources to guide the apprentice. The employer may be paid a monthly allowance for training the student and guiding their learning in working life. The training allowance paid by the apprenticeship agency is agreed separately for each apprenticeship contract.
If an unemployed job seeker is selected as an apprentice, a wage subsidy is available to cover the wage costs. The amount of the wage subsidy is dependent on the job seeker. Once the wage subsidy has been granted, the employer can also apply for a municipal supplement.
Reach out to students and graduates
Do you want to reach out to students from local schools for a traineeship or offer a job to a fresh talent? We can help you find suitable candidates. Alternatively, you can advertise jobs and traineeships yourself, and offer thesis or project work through the educational institutions’ online systems. The service is free of charge for the user.
Electronic recruitment systems in educational institutions
You can reach the graduating talents from Oulu College of Services OPAO and Vocational College Luovi by contacting the Talent Team at BusinessOulu.
Tuija Karppila
Service Manager, solutions to corporate employee needs