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Japanese company Office Yui Asia in Japan to relocate their office from Espoo to Oulu

Julkaistu 06.11.2013

Japanese company Office Yui Asia from City of Fujisawa in Japan has decided to relocate their office from Espoo to Oulu. Office Yui Europe had been located in Otaniemi, Espoo, in partnership with company Lausumo Speech Technologies Oy and now the Office Yui have relocated in Oulu.

Mr Yoshiaki Takahashi CEO of Office Yui Asia from City of Fujisawa says, the reason is mainly the relationship between Fujisawa and Oulu and kindly and friendly people he has met in Oulu, because their company slogan is “Make relations between people with a smile”. Mr. Takahashi has visited Oulu five times.

The other reason is that Oulu is the capital of the health care, so that they are interested in co-operating OuluHealth ecosystem, which combines health, wellbeing, bio and ICT professionals, research communities and companies to create future health. In addition, Oulu is the best gateway city to expand the market share to EU.

Mr Takahashi says they are at the beginning to find partnership companies to Office Yui Europe from Oulu.

Office Yui was done to change the office address in October 2013.

The main business of Office Yui is software application developer and provider. Their main application is called “Yubidenwa” which means “Say it with your fingers, Tap and talk” in English. This application helps not only disabled people but also people who can’t speak environmentally like a silent place, for example, in the meeting, train etc to talk to receivers by tapping the sentences from the list which has already installed. Customized sentences can be added to the list as well.

Recently, Office Yui got many awards in Japan which mean other people admitted how useful and innovative Yubidenwa is.

Office Yui has been developing Yubidenwa for Finnish version together with the partnership company in Helsinki but, as the short-term goal, Office Yui want to promote Yubidenwa in collaboration with Finnish local companies in Oulu and expand it to EU. Also, they want to develop other Yubidenwa applications together with Finnish companies. As the long-term goal, Office Yui want to build “Yui no sato”, which means “Yui village” in English, in Japan, Oulu and Vietnam. In this village, the combination among welfare, ICT, education and medical treatment will be the key elements for well-being and longevity of people by living together with (Yui no sato) family.

At the moment, there are no full-time/ part-time local employees in their office in Finland (Oulu), but Office Yui is strongly willing to develop their business from Oulu and hire local employees in the future.

Office Yui has the partnership company in Vietnam as well.

Office Yui website:

Media release published 5.11.2013


Mr. Yoshiaki Takahashi, CEO, Office Yui

yoshi (at)

Ms.Takako Uchida, BusinessOulu Internetional Coordinator, Japan

takako.uchida (at)