Business services for Companies

Starting a new business

Well planned is half established

There are lots of things to take care of when you are establishing a business.
Are the incorporation documents, financial calculations, business plan, business premises, permits, registrations and insurance policies in order? Am I eligible for start-up grant, and what other means of financing are available? Our experts’ practical advice will guide you forward in various problems you may have when starting a business. In addition to providing guidance, we also evaluate your business idea and its potential risks.

Guide to bootstrap from idea to profitable business
A guide to developing the idea into a profitable business (Arabic language)


BusinessPilot provides you with guides, workbooks and calculation programs for planning the company’s business and finances both for new companies and for those already in operation.

BusinessPilot also features an extensive set of forms and contract templates for everyday business operations.

Oulun seudun uusyrityskeskus

Oulun seudun uusyrityskeskus provides prospective and new entrepreneurs with consultation services free of charge in collaboration with BusinessOulu.

Enterprise Finland

Enterprise Finland is a nationwide web service that provides information, services and tools for companies and start-up entrepreneurs.

Tuija Aitto-oja

Tuija Aitto-oja

Managing Director, Oulun Seudun Uusyrityskeskus ry

+358 40 510 6315

Hannu Hiltunen

Hannu Hiltunen

Advisor, Business Development and Financing

+358 44 703 1394

Viera Karam

Viera Karam

Business Advisor, startup program manager

+358 40 674 7862

Anneli Rinta-Paavola

Anneli Rinta-Paavola

Company Advisor, Oulun Seudun Uusyrityskeskus Ry

+358 400 216 060
